What Estate Planning Documents are Used to Plan for Incapacity?
One of the most important estate planning documents for all persons over the age of 18 to consider is a durable power of attorney.
One of the most important estate planning documents for all persons over the age of 18 to consider is a durable power of attorney.
Establishing a joint revocable trust can be an ideal estate planning tool for the benefit of your children, grandchildren and beyond.
If you do not plan appropriately and thoughtfully, problems may arise with respect to this property and your family when you are gone.
Based on a recent survey by the American Pet Products Association, as of 2020, 70% of households in the U.S. have pets—about 90.5 million households.
Under the new Biden administration, the president has made his intentions clear about the potential to change the tax code.
Even those who have saved and invested well may not be sharing their financial information with a spouse or loved one. It’s time to do that now.
A TOD account allows the account holder to name a beneficiary on a non-retirement financial account to receive assets at the time of the account holder’s death, thereby (generally – i.e., when used correctly) avoiding probate.
While a will is often part of an estate plan, an estate plan covers much more ground.
The conversation about being prepared for the passing of a partner can be difficult to have but navigating the issue can be more complicated for LGBTQ+ families.
Trust funds are not just for the ultra-rich. These sophisticated estate-planning tools can make just as much sense for middle-class Americans who own a home and have a net worth of at least $100,000.
If you have a question, a comment, or simply want to have a conversation and explore how we can help, we’d love to hear from you.
8970 W. Cheyenne Ave., Ste. 110
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Email: info@nvestateplan.com
Phone: 702-998-0444
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